Monday, December 12, 2011

Lots of Charts and Links: A Final Review

Follow the jump to see my review for the final!

Folk Knowledge

Self-directed learning

1. needlework
2. history ofcamping
3. light bulb moment: expert

Others’ blogging

The blind leading the blind blog about children teaching each other by Kimberly

Collaborative learning

1. with strangers
2. with myroommate
3. group interview preparation


1.Teaching/learning folk knowledge
a. my teachingand learningexperiences
b. an examplefrom Scott of why folk knowledge is crucial
2. Groupinterview

Descriptors of the knowledge category

1. Practical & useful
2. Ephemeral
3. Foundational

Oral Knowledge

Self-directed learning

1. Book on Aborigines
2. Library research -rhetoric
3. reinventing the syllabus

Others’ blogging

Library discovery for orality blog by Summer

Collaborative learning

1. Group exploration of topics based on different civilizations
2. Splitting upmemorization


1. Group video
2. Performance of King Benjamin's speech

Descriptors of the knowledge category

1. Ephemeral
2. Repetitious
3. Limited

Written Knowledge

Self-directed learning

1. recordingAboriginal languages
2. writingchemistry

Others’ blogging

Connection: writing affected by print (blog by Michael)

Collaborative learning

1. Japanese writing group
2. Civilization groups for unit project


1. Rosetta Project
a. my posts (1and 2) for the project
b. Ogham on bamboo leaf (the group who got our big rock)
2. Special Collections - manuscripts

Descriptors of the knowledge category

1. Limited (by time, expense)
2. Long-lasting

Print Knowledge

Self-directed learning

1. Library adventures

Others’ blogging

Tanner's postabout how printing was rejected by Muslims

Collaborative learning

Peer Edits
Pleas for input on blogs about brainstorming, theses, and drafts
(Note: this unit was much less collaborative, which seems fitting with the knowledge form.)


1. Annotated Bibliography
2. Research paper
3. Special Collections - books (Royal Skousen)

Descriptors of the knowledge category

1. copious
2. long-lasting

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